Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra In Hindi Pdf

Similarly Sukr will cause diseases through females, Sani windy diseases, Rahu danger through low-caste-men and Ketu navel diseases. The resultant product in Rasis, degrees These books all contain original and literal translations of the Sanskrit Sutras from Brihat Parashara Brihat parashara hora shastra Shasta. Combinations for Brihat parashara hora shastra Ch. These texts are read or chanted by Hindus all over the world even to this day.
Dec 12, 2013 - The book titled Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra in English in PDF format.
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All these three forms shhastra endowed with all the three Gunas, with predominance of the Gun due to their origin. Hora, Ganita and Samhita. To download BRIHAT PARASHARA HORA SHASTRA, click on the Download button Brihat parashara hora shastra A Grah in exaltation gives fully good effects, while in Mooltrikon it is bereft of its auspicious effects by one fourth. Surya rules strong trees i.
One will be endowed with fame, if Candr is in Karm Bhava, while Karm's Lord is in a trine from Karm Bhava and Lagn's Lord is in Lagn's angle. Sukr is charming, has a splendourous physique, is excellent, or great in disposition, has charming eyes, brihat parashara hora shastra a poet, is phlegmatic and windy and has curly hair. Effects of Vyaya Bhava Ch. Should it be of mixed nature, co-born of both sexes will be obtained. As regards Mercury, we have clear from Maharsi Parashara, that he becomes a malefic, if he joins a malefic.
According hkra legends, Saint Parashara was once crossing a river brihat parashara hora shastra he looked at his favorite stars in heaven. Sani is a servant. The native will at the age of 32 lose his child, if Rahu is in Putr, Putr's Lord is vrihat Yuti with a malefic and Guru is debilitation. In a contrary situation, only opposite results will come to pass. If the Hora Lagn is an even one, count from Meen to Hora Lagn in the reverse order. Should the ascendat Lord be in his Rasi of debilitation, as Dhan Lord is in Randhr, loss of wife will occur in the 13 th brihat parashara hora shastra of age. The first portion is allotted to the weekday Lord.
Candr and Sukr are endowed with vigour, when in the North. If Sukr is in Yuvati, the native will be exceedingly libidinous. Does not tell us which Avastha to use with which direction or with which mathematical calculation. In my opinion, the truth in this matter brihat parashara hora shastra likely lies somewhere in the middle. One will be fortunate or affluentif Dharm' s Lord is in Dharm Bhava with strength. Similarly are male and female.
The Bhava, whose Lord is in a malefic Shashtiahs, will diminish; so say Garga and others. Praying Lord Brahma and Sri Saraswati, brihat parashara hora shastra power and consort and Sun, the leader of the Planets and the cause of Creation, I shall proceed to narrate to you the science of Jyotishya, as heard through Lord Brahma.