Installing Client Access Express
5 Installing Oracle Database XE Client. If you want to enable remote access to Oracle Database XE Server, install Oracle Database XE Client onto each client computer. Hello, I have a question if anyone can help me with client access express. I have created a msi pacakge with wise package studio that works fine. I have distribute this msi with the AD and it works fi.
Admin Alert: Four iSeries Access Tips for Windows Professionals August 30, 2006 Joe Hertvik Ironically, one of the problems with iSeries Access for Windows is also one of its strengths: its longevity. Starting out as a product called PC Support/400 in the late 1980s and progressing through at least three different name changes, this software has a history so long that it’s almost geology. However, sometimes that history works against it, particularly when administrators who are not familiar with i5/OS and OS/400 are in charge of installing and maintaining iSeries Access for Windows desktops. To alleviate potential problems when Windows administrators handle ‘s connectivity package to AS/400, iSeries, and i5 servers, here are four tips to help Windows professionals create better iSeries Access software installations on the Windows desktops under their control. Know your products and which product you should be working with.
Since the iSeries Access product line has a long history, many different versions of the core product are available, and the product you use is dependent on the operating system you have installed on the i5, iSeries, or AS/400 machine that your organization is using. While many shops are operating modern i5 boxes running i5/OS V5R2 or above, other shops are running older legacy iSeries and AS/400 machines using the OS/400 V5R1 and below operating systems. These older machines may never be upgraded and they may even be scheduled for replacement over the next few years. Given the wide range of products in IBM’s iSeries Access for Windows and Client Access for Windows products, here are the different packages that generally can and should be used for connecting Windows desktops to different i5, iSeries, and AS/400 machines.
Skynet module progdvb hd. A complete list of all of IBM’s iSeries Access products for connection to each operating system release can be found on the. For i5 machines running i5/OS V5R4, V5R3, and V5R2, iSeries Access for Windows V5R4M0, V5R3M0, and V5R2M0 can be used to connect to any of these boxes. All three of these iSeries Access products are still being supported by IBM, and you can still obtain new service packs for these packages at the. Older versions of IBM’s Client Access Express for Windows V5R1M0 software may also connect to these machines (except for i5/OS V5R4). But you will have decreased functionality and certain functions may not work correctly with this software.
So it may be worthwhile to upgrade your Client Access package when you upgrade your operating system. For iSeries and AS/400 machines running OS/400 V5R1, V4R5, and V4R4, Client Access Express for Windows V5R1, V4R5M0, and V4R4M0 should be used to connect to each of these machines. This product is also referred to as Client Access Express.
Client Access Express is supported on most older Windows desktop systems, such as Windows 98, Windows Me, and Windows 2000, but it has been phased out and it is not supported on newer Windows desktops and servers. For OS/400 V4R4 and V4R5, you also have the option of using the even older Client Access for Windows 95/NT package, but that software generally has vastly reduced capabilities versus Client Access Express, and it is not supported on recent Windows desktops. All other Client Access products that are used for connecting to earlier versions of the OS/400 operating system are no longer supported by IBM. However, if you are still running a pre-V4R4 AS/400, you have no choice but to use one of these earlier packages as the modern iSeries Access software is not supported with these machines. The good news is that you can still download service pack fixes for these products from the. Again, all i5 and OS/400 operating systems and the products that you use to connect to them can be found on the. Whenever possible, install or upgrade from your i5/OS or OS/400 machine, rather than from a CD or a network drive.
When you upgrade from CD, you can only install the base version of the software without any service pack fixes. For many of these products, the base version is equivalent to the last beta version of the package and, if installed across an organization, you are basically running a beta implementation without the stabilizing fixes that IBM later added to the software. To upgrade products, service packs must be downloaded from the and posted to each machine. This same situation exists when you copy the CD to the network and install from a network drive. For both the iSeries Access and Client Access Express software, you can install from a file share located in the i5/OS or OS/400 Integrated File System (IFS). This share resides in the QIBM folder of the IFS.