Granado Espada Server Files

2018-12-18 It is that time of the year again, when Santa and his deers find a way back to the land of Granado Espada. Give a hand to Santa by rescuing his deers and you will be rewarded handsomely with Christmas Cookies. These magical cookies may be exchanged for a wealth of useful event items. That is not all!
If you feel lucky you may try playing rock-paper-scissors with Santa Nunez. Should you win - you will double your cookies. Be aware - should you loose - all cookies go to Santa Nunez! Update: 2x gold activated! Lasts from 2018-12-20 to 2018-12-26. Xmas event lasts until 2019-01-02.
Well I played this in the past when it was owned by Gamers First back when it had the huge name 'Sword of the New World: Granado Espada' but after I quit I didn't even realize the game changed owners after a long while and I haven't really managed to get my account back, but in 2013 and early 2014 I.
Updates • New rNPC: Bane. Get Bane from the Letizia Box. December 2018 rGE Letizia event from December 11 - December 25. See NPC or bottom of post for full roulette list.
NPC is in port of Coimbra. • Letizia event has additional one-time rewards. See NPC or bottom of post for full reward list.
• Bane has Blessing of Lyndon buff during event. Gives +100% item drop rate, 2x additional reward roulette. • Added Bane rings to ring boxes (Renaissance Ring Box, Ring Box of Chester, Ring Box of Curan) and to Ring Changer NPC. • New Medal for Bane from Event: Bane Event Drops and One-Time Bonuses. 2018-11-20 Updates • Letizia event end - Removed Letizia NPC from Coimbra • Risky - added to Cash Shop, Character Card Box, and a mission roulette.
• Risky - increased skill damage bonus base by 20% • Created 8 new Combined rings for Leona, Elementalist (Elemental Master), Judith, Lynn, Adriana (Carrier), Cadet Adriana (Carrier, Adelina (Corsair), Pirate Adelina (Corsair). All available from Combined Ring box Bug Fixes • Fixed Heavy Rifle costumes not showing correctly in towns • Fixed bug regarding Eva Sharon’s debuff [Mind Absorb] and damage of certain skills • Fixed HP% / SP% bonuses on certain gloves and boots incorrectly giving flat HP / SP. 2018-11-06 Changelog Updates • New rNPC: Risky. Get Risky from the Letizia Box. Risky has Blessing of Lyndon buff during event time. November 2018 rGE Letizia event from November 6 - November 20.
See NPC for full roulette list. NPC is in port of Coimbra. • Letizia event has additional one-time rewards. See NPC for full reward list. • Keys for opening the newly keyless missions on Coimbra Bridge have been removed from BH roulettes. • Ancient Runes were removed from many roulettes. Bug Fixes • Fixed rods not being shown when equipped on Reaper Sariel.
13, 2018 The Kansas Department of Health and Environment rescinded a boil water advisory today for the city of Overbrook. And Henry Hamley. Pearce, who in partnership with Blair Woodfield, now owns and operates the Pendleton, Oregon, saddle and handcrafted leather goods business established in 1883 by J.J. Hamley saddle serial numbers. The advisory was issued Dec. Buchman is a lifelong rancher from Alta Vista, Kan., lifetime newspaper writer, syndicated national ag writer and radio marketing consultant.
Risky Event Drops and One-Time Bonuses. Deool marathi movie free download avi format.