Shipmate Rs 8000 User Manual


Convert RS8000 for use in APRS This is the assembly code for PIC16F84 which will convert the Radio PLL for use in. It was done in 2007. Solution After an inital analysis it was verified that only 7 bits would change to synthesize two APRS frequencies, 144.8 and 144.85 MHz. • PORTB is then used to supply the needed bits.

Sumomo mo mo momo season 2. • PORTA is used to monitor PTT and channel changes. The PIC is running a loop checking the inputs (PTT and Channel) and setting the corresponding PLL values.

Hi I am repairing an old SHIPMATE RS8000 maritime VHF radio. Garmin g1000 trainer download. The problem has been tracked down to be within the PROMs controlling the state of the.