Import C4d Files Into 3ds Max Models
In this video, learn how to import a common 3D format called OBJ into CINEMA 4D. The video also covers how to relink missing textures using the Texture Manager.
Cinema 4D Release 17 includes more complete and reliable support for the Wavefront OBJ file format. This comes in especially handy when you're searching for models online. So here in Google, I'm just going to search for a 3D Lexus LFA model, and you can see that one of the first options here is actually only available in the OBJ format. Now of course there's another model here that's available in 3DS, OBJ, and C4D, but as we look at this one, it doesn't have any textures and also it's not licensed for commercial use.
This one here, though, does have textures and is available for commercial use. So we'll go ahead and download the OBJ. Once that's done downloading, we'll go ahead and extract the ZIP file that shows up in the downloads folder. And I'm just going to extract it in place here. Now if I load this OBJ into Cinema 4D. We do have a preset here for 3ds Max that says the options in the format that 3ds.
How to Import and Export OBJ Models. Free utility to convert C4D model to OBJ or 3DS. As with Max files. With the proper version of Cinema 4D willing to convert into a relevant format.
And you can see that we have an OBJ and an MTL file. MTL is the sidecar file that includes all of the materials that go with an OBJ that previously, Cinema 4D couldn't do anything with. Now if I load this OBJ into Cinema 4D, you can see that we have lots of options available.
How to install popsloader on psp 6.60 pro b100. I can change the scale, of course. I can adjust how the normals are calculated; whether they're calculated via a Phong tag or the vertices themselves.
I can adjust the Phong angle, I can adjust the texture coordinates, I can split the objects based on the objects, the groups or the materials. I can choose to import the materials or just the object names. I can choose to bring in a default material that's white, or randomize the colors on all of the object parts, which will make it easy to see the different parts of the objects. I can invert the transparency, flip the axes, lots of options here. I'm just going to go ahead and hit OK. Serial Exescript.
You'll see down here in the status bar that it's loading all of the objects and polygons that have to do with that car model. And here now we have our Lexus LFA, complete with all of the materials. You see all the materials down here and all the objects here in the Object Manager.