Topcon Link 8.0

Circuit simulator and PCB design software – EasyEDA. Download software 1/4 Wave antenna with ground plane – Windows and Version 2 includes Wifi calculations for centered or offset feedhorn dishes. Dish antenna price. Home › Electronic Software › Parabola Calculator for Satellite Dish Antenna Design. This Freeware program was written to help you design solar collector or wifi projects using parabolic reflectors. This program calculates the focal length and (x, y) coordinates for a parabola of any diameter and depth. Antenna Magus is actually nothing like any other antenna design software product. It takes on a completely new approach to designing antennas. Assume the client supplied the following specifications: Design a feed for a reflector with F/D of 0.6. Dish diameter: 400mm.
Development Tools downloads - Topcon Link by Topcon Positioning System. Topcon Link is a conversion utility for Topcon instruments. 3.9 on 8 votes. Process of installing Topcon USB driver to establish USB connection to GNSS receivers. You can now establish a USB connection from the computer to reciever using TRU ( Topcon Reciever Utility).
Topcon Positioning Group recently announced new software designed to facilitate data processing workflow for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) infrastructure inspection. Dubbed, the software efficiently manages large data sets to create inspection reports, the company explains. “MAGNET Inspect will work with models from virtually any UAV. When combined with Intel Falcon 8+ Drone – Topcon Edition and Topcon ContextCapture, powered by Bentley Systems, the software enables operators to efficiently navigate, annotate and create reports with inspection photos, effectively creating a very strong end-to-end inspection workflow,” says David Ahl, director of software product management.
“It is now a key element of the Topcon end-to-end UAV and data processing workflow for inspection projects, which results in increased safety and faster data collection than traditional methods.”. MAGNET Inspect is designed to allow operators to easily visually navigate drone photos – aligning 3D reality meshes with raw georeferenced images in one location and filtering them based on selected criteria, including field of view. “The software allows operators to easily document the observations and report them,” continues Ahl. “Images from the inspection can be flagged to indicate whether there are structural issues and annotated with built-in free-hand graphical tools.
Data reports can then be created to include a preview image and link to high-resolution annotated image.”.
The software is able to receive and process information from a variety of GNSS receivers. The software also allows you to process data from other devices and receivers on sight. All incoming data is stored in a software project and is accessed and modified at any time. The software supports a variety of geographic coordinate systems, and users can choose their preferred settings section coordinates. You can enter data in different formats or output. For example, data from the receivers can get support and after edits and changes to the output of a receiver get another. Penulisan markup di komentar • Silakan tinggalkan komentar sesuai topik.
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