Mousepad Map Hack 1.10

Huzuni Minecraft 1.10.2 Hack is working, updated with zero downtime. GUI/Menu: Right Shift. *Use or download Huzuni Minecraft 1.10.2 Hack using your Windows, Mac, iOS or Android device. You can unlock the download link and save it for later.
Known 1.10 trigger-hack methods Note: I'm posting this because the people that would do such things already know about these things. This is to protect those of us who are NOT so lame, by educating ourselves into what to watch out for. What are the trigger-hack skills that work in 1.10?
I'm curious because I died to one last night, my first pk-related death. The guy was a lvl 71 necro using fastcast bone-spirit (and scroll-lock). TP + hostile + juv gulp + juv gulp + deeds. I know blizz supposedly fixed hydra and guided arrow. The known 1.10 methods are what?: Blessed Hammer (haven't seen any in a long time, why?) Bone spirit (confirmed this works by dying to it) What about: Meteor? Other zon skills?
Druid elemental skills? Another caution: I actually also noticed that my missionary paladin (conversion + thorns) very occasionally will have the monsters revert back with thorns still on them. I'm not sure if it was a server-lag issue or what. But it definitely was taking place one night during one game, my merc killed himself two or three times during that one game. I think the damage wasn't 1250 percent damage reflected, because sometimes he would live and only lost 1/3-1/2 of his life or so. I think the 'bug' was returning 100% damage dealt. Anyway its a caution for you melee'ers that conversion + thorns CAN hurt possibly kill you under very rare circumstances.
Note: I'm posting this because the people that would do such things already know about these things. This is to protect those of us who are NOT so lame, by educating ourselves into what to watch out for. What are the trigger-hack skills that work in 1.10? I'm curious because I died to one last night, my first pk-related death. The guy was a lvl 71 necro using fastcast bone-spirit (and scroll-lock).
TP + hostile + juv gulp + juv gulp + deeds. I know blizz supposedly fixed hydra and guided arrow. The known 1.10 methods are what?: Blessed Hammer (haven't seen any in a long time, why?) Bone spirit (confirmed this works by dying to it) What about: Meteor?
Other zon skills? Druid elemental skills? Another caution: I actually also noticed that my missionary paladin (conversion + thorns) very occasionally will have the monsters revert back with thorns still on them. I'm not sure if it was a server-lag issue or what. But it definitely was taking place one night during one game, my merc killed himself two or three times during that one game. I think the damage wasn't 1250 percent damage reflected, because sometimes he would live and only lost 1/3-1/2 of his life or so.
I think the 'bug' was returning 100% damage dealt. Anyway its a caution for you melee'ers that conversion + thorns CAN hurt possibly kill you under very rare circumstances. It was on east.
The guy actually came back and duelled the hammerdin who survived his initially volley. And he eventually killed the pally. Funny thing was he was 'helping' us loot this other guy who had died to a nasty boss pack of black souls in the area with izzy. (they took me down to about 20 health, but my relief at living was short-lived). He cleared out the bad guys, and while I was trying to figure out why loot wasn't working, I assumed those stray balls of death were intended for monsters off to the side. It was a rather clever use of opportunity, but after the event I realized two things.
He was WAY off the screen, so he was almost positively using scroll-lock feature of maphack. Secondly, he ran right out to where the first dead guy was, so he knew where the entrance to izzy was, another indication of maphack. I don't know if he really used trigger, or just did it manually. But he definitely was a map-hacker, so what's the difference. Cheating is cheating.
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