Install Slave Server Kaspersky

The Kaspersky site and distribute the update to all the slave servers and client computers at AAU. Kaspersky Admin Kit slave will be installed at each site and the.
1 Kaspersky Anti-Virus 8.0 for Linux File Server Installation Guide A P P L I C A T I O N V E R S I O N: 8. 0 M P 2 C F 2 2 Dear User! Thank you for choosing our product.
We hope that this documentation will help you in your work and will provide answers regarding this software product. This document is the property of Kaspersky Lab ZAO (herein also referred to as Kaspersky Lab): all rights to this document are reserved by the copyright laws of the Russian Federation and by international treaties. Illegal reproduction and distribution of this document or parts hereof result in civil, administrative or criminal liability by applicable law. Any type of reproduction or distribution of any materials, including translations, may be allowed only with written permission from Kaspersky Lab.
This document and graphic images related to it may be used exclusively for informational, non-commercial, and personal purposes. The document can be modified without prior notification. The latest version of this document can be found on the Kaspersky Lab website, at Kaspersky Lab assumes no liability for the content, quality, relevance, or accuracy of any third-party materials used herein, or for any potential harm associated with the use of such materials. Revision date: 8/05/ Kaspersky Lab ZAO. All Rights Reserved 3 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. 5 Application purpose. 5 Hardware and software system requirements.
5 Obtaining information about Kaspersky Anti-Virus. 7 Sources of information for further research. 7 Contacting the Technical Support service.
9 Discussion of Kaspersky Lab's applications in web forum. 9 What's new in version DISTRIBUTION CONTENTS KASPERSKY ANTI-VIRUS INSTALLATION Step 1. Installation of the Kaspersky Anti-Virus package Step 2. Installing Network Agent KASPERSKY ANTI-VIRUS REMOTE INSTALLATION Creating a deployment task Step 1. Defining the task name Step 2. Selecting the task type Step 3.
Selecting the installation package Step 4. Selecting the remote installation method Step 5. Defining the task settings Step 6. Selecting the installation package for joint deployment Step 7.
Configuring the restart settings Step 8. Defining the method for selecting computers Step 9.
Selecting the client computers Step 10. Specifying the user account for running tasks Step 11.
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Scheduling the task launch Step 12. Completing task creation Starting a remote installation task Viewing and configuring the remote installation package settings Creating an installation package Step 1. Defining the installation package name Step 2.
Selecting the application distribution package Step 3. Loading the installation package Step 4. Configuring the real-time protection task Step 5. Configuring update task settings Step 6.