Eushully Games Error

Easy as fuck? Im at the boss in the snow country, like the 2nd real boss you fight in the game(first one after the prologue, some golden bird or something) and i keep getting my ass handed to me on a silver plate, with a ribbon attached to it, any tips? I cant level up selica, as he doesnt do that for some reason, satia is lvl 28 now and Pazuno is level 22 both with a holy staff equipped. Any pointers on how to defeat this dude? Also i still would like to know any means of cheating money into the game:O. Well, there lies your problem.
Eushully (エウシュリー Eushuri) is a Japanese eroge studio based in Sapporo, Hokkaidō.Games produced by the studio often reach high positions on Japanese sales charts, even gaining the top rank among eroge, but as of 2007, none have been officially released in English. Not having played the game, I purely rely on whatever I recall from the reviews I read~ Edit: checked Anyway, I'd put Eushully in my current top RPG/SRPG game makers, along with Softhouse Chara.
You need to go to Menu > Status, there you will be able to place stats on Selika. If you really want the easy mode, just pour your stats into magic, max stats in this order: Men (WIS) > Int Res (INT) > Agi Sta (VIT) > Cha Sta (CHA) = Str Sta (STR), for DEX and AGI, level them up until they give the +1 ATK/DEF Freq. Cyberlink powerdirector slideshow templates download. I'm @ Chapter 3 with Selika level 70. Thunder Magic is Rank A, 1 Tornado will wipe anything, 1 Thunder Roar will kill any boss, he has 900 HP, 125 DEF, 110 MDEF, 13 DEF Freq, thus he also does not die. In order to quickly upgrade your magic, go to STATUS > Auto/AI and put Magic, that way he will spam it, hold ctrl to finish fights fast next to a feather and you will be solid. And this isn't even the OP build, it's actually STR, since it scales to fucked up levels once you get a lot of ATK Freq with a very strong weapon, but for purposes of finishing the game, INT build is easier.
You will understand the game, there are only a few issues worth mentioning, such as calling Celica Selika (or rather, not picking one or the other, since images call him Celica, and text Selika) not taking some time to properly check the textboxes to avoid cutting words or leaving spaces, and very few grammatical errors, you could point those to human error rather than the machine. About the notes: The second death is what starts the whole saga, is a touching scene, and a very nice climax for the first four chapters, so it was a very unwelcome comment.

Re: Ikusa Megami Zero Well, I wouldn't say 70%, but yeah, Kamidori is unusually tame for Eushully's standards. But there are other Eushully titles that also were nice, like Kozukuri bancho (Anastasia more like Eushully, but it's only a minor difference) Also some of their latest games also avoided rape and dark content. On the other side of the spectrum, you may be tempted to avoid Himegari and ESPECIALLY Princess of darkness, if you dislike dark content, the main heroine in Princess of darkness has a really bad time. (a perfectly possible ending to get is one where you go overboard and she finally snaps and kills herself). There is only one ending, with different routes to get there. There are only 2 maps and one chapter that have that, the first being the Amazon ladies, that if you don't kill more than one of them, you can have a H-Event with the main lady in Chapter 5 (after seeing all the scenes in their village), the other is the Naga lady, that if you avoid all Nagas (random battle not included) you gain 1000 exp by the end of it. In Chapter 6-7, there are a few more H-Scene that can be gotten depending on your action.
But overall, end doesn't change. The full CG + Event can be gotten in a single play through quite easily, except that in Chapter 6-7 you will have to reload a few times. Here's the guide starting in Chapter 0: It's in Japanese, but google translate will work just fine.