During Startup Program Terminated With Signal Sigsegv

Hello, I downloaded gdb from link above here then I ran sudo cp /Users/jiricvrk/Downloads/gdb/gdb /usr/local/bin Lazarus updates debug path automatically to /usr/local/bin/gdb and after cmd+r csrutil enable --without debug. I am afraid, that nothing happened Returned requesting unsupported configuration I decided to try csruti disable But now I get: Python Exception No module named gdb: /usr/local/bin/gdb:warning Could not load the Python gdb module from /usr/local/Cellar/gdb/7.2_1/share/gdb/python.
> Languages and Scripting. > Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fa. Core was generated by `mysqlbackup'. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. SEGV_MAPERR - Address not mapped to object.
Suggest passing --data-directory=/path/to/gdb/data-directory The GDB command: '-exec-run' returned the error: ',msg='Unable to find Mach task port for process-id 474: (os/kern) failure (0x5). N (please check gdb is codesigned - see taskgated( )' I used code sign, but get.already signed. Jiris-Mac:~ jiricvrk$ sudo codesign -s gdb-cert /usr/local/bin/gdb Password: /usr/local/bin/gdb: is already signed Jiris-Mac:~ jiricvrk$Jiris-Mac:~ jiricvrk$ sudo codesign -v /usr/local/bin/gdb NOTHING RETURNED I tried /usr/local/bin/gdb --data-directory /usr/local/bin without success. Any ideas, please?
I don't know if i can help you. But because i ran into similar problems, let me describe my procedure, which in the end succeeded: - I first downloaded too the gdb-exe, renamed the old gdb-exe and copied the new one into the gdb-directory.
GdB-Start showed same error-message (SIG1139.). I gave codesign with the same certificate again. Restart gdb: Same error. - Therefore i decided to delete the complete gdb-installation directory (also in trash!). - delete the certificate in key manager (csrutil status was: all enabled!) - gave: 'homebrew install gdb' (Homebrew, a packetmanger for mac) the 7.12.1 gdb version was installed, and what i saw into the dir /usr/local/bin, formerly it was /local/bin - creation of a new certificate (for code, system etc.) with a new certificate name, to avoid any mismatch - codesign -s.gdb - restarting the machine - gdb results into error SIG? - trying different debugger options, with no success - restarting machine again with CMD+R and csrutil enable --without debug - checking csrutil status - reinstalling lazarus (your applications are not deleted) - checking path of debugger in lazarus >> NOW, Everything went allright! So, i cannot explain, which of these steps are important. V%20arranger%202%20software%20download.
But what i see is that codesign seems to me a complicated process, in which it can't be seen by the user, what the operating system is really doing(f.i. Are links followed up to the exec-files? Are both links and exe code signed? Etc.) I hope i could help for your trials.
Jan Kratochvil 2014-01-19 13:31:06 UTC (In reply to Jascha Wetzel from ) > During startup program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. This means the program did not even start.
It usually means you have some special environment variables set (like LD_PRELOAD etc.) which break execution of initial shell launching the debugged program. Try it on some newly created user and also check your /etc/profile* files.
Your testcase really works on my F-19 box. > (gdb) bt > No stack. No program is running in GDB so this is correct then.