Disc Personality Test Score Sheet

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Understanding Your DiSC Personality Profile The DiSC Personality Test assesses your dominant traits based on four personality types. There are many versions of the DiSC Personality Test available online. JobTestPrep takes the guesswork out of selecting validated DiSC tests by thoroughly researching each test variant.

DiSC Personality Factors Credits www.synomy.co.uk The DiSC personality profiles include the four basic DiSC factors: • Dominant (D) • Influential (I) • Steady (S) • Compliant (C) The terminology for the four factors varies across DiSC tests. Dominant is consistently represented by the D factor, Influential may be referred to as Inducement or Inspirational, Steady may be known as Supportive or Submissive, and Compliant is also termed Conscientious or Cautious. Steady (S) Cooperates Easily Sincere Humble Loyal Dependable Calm These DISC personality types help employers effectively match your personality to your prospective job. Format of the DiSC Personality Assessment On the DiSC multiple-choice questionnaire, you are given an adjective or phrase to rate your own behavior. The online test is generally short, ranging between 12 and 30 questions. The DiSC personality profile is based on these self-reported answers and results are given automatically.

Start Preparing for the DiSC Personality Assessment DiSC test preparation helps you match your own personality profile to the traits sought by your employer. Our practice test is accompanied by a personalized report to highlight your response patterns that may endanger your job application. By carefully and systematically studying the principles of personality tests, and by rating your individual responses, JobTestPrep helps you effectively take employment personality tests like the DiSC as well as to optimize your score.

Accurate Personality Test as its name clearly indicates, is a personality test from which you can know your entire characteristics, objectives, sources of stress It is a pack of personality tests and games presented in a pleasant / funny way. See non-reviewed disc personality test score excel software.

DISC Assessment Test This is an interactive version of the OSPP DISC Assessment Test. Introduction: DISC is a pop-psych personality system based around four personality types. The DISC system is mostly used with an employment or team building focus. The roots of DISC was a book published in 1928, titled Emotions of Normal People.

In it, William Marston theorized that a person would express their emotions in one of four ways, from which come the four letters D I S C. He did not intend to make an assessment, though, and modern DISC does not have all that much in common with Marston's work. In the 1950s a series of industrial psychologists separately used his theory as the basis of a tool for employee selection and organization. Today there are many tests that exist under the name DISC, marketed by various psychological consulting companies for use by human resources departments, each with their own differences.


There has been no work using a DISC model in academic psychology since the first work on DISC in the 1950s. Procedure: The test has 16 statements of opinion that you must rate on a five point scale of how much you agree with each. It should take most people 4-6 minutes to complete. Edc16 tuning guide pdf. Participation: This test is provided for educational use only. It should not be used as psychological advice of any kind and comes without any guarantee of accuracy or fitness for any particular purpose. Also, your responses may be recorded and anonymously used for research or otherwise distributed. Source: • '.