Buku Geologi Struktur Pdf
1Geologi Struktur(Aplikasi Struktur Geologi: Mineralasasi-Migas)Oleh:IrvaniUniversitas Bangka Belitung Jurusan Teknik PertambanganReferensi: Van Der Pluijm, B. And Marshak, S. Earth Structure. Norton & Company, Inc., USA. Rowland, S.M., Duebendorfer, E.M.
Buku Panduan Praktikum Geologi Struktur ini disusun agar menjadi pedoman penyelesaian masalah-masalah praktis dalam analisis geologi struktur, terutama bagi mahasiswa peserta praktikum geologi struktur di Jurusan Teknik Geologi Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada. Strike dan Dip mengacu kepada orientasi atau geometri fitur-fitur geologi. Garis strike perlapisan, patahan, atau fitur planar lainnya, adalah garis yang.
And Schiefelbein, I.M. Structural Analysis and Synthesis: A Laboratory Course in Structural Geology. Blacwell Publishing Ltd. Voctoria, Australia. And Jackson, J.A., 1987. Glossary Geology.
American Geological Institute Elexandria, Virginia. Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions. John Wiley & Sons, New York. Structural Geology: An Introduction to Geometrical Techniques. Cambridge University Press, New York.
And Moores, E.M. Structural Geology. Freeman and Company, USA. And Huber, M.
The Techniques of Modern Structural Geology: Strain Analysis. Academic Press, Inc., London. And Huber, M. The Techniques of Modern Structural Geology: Fold and Fractures. Academic Press, Inc., London.
And Huber, M. Body vision 620 weight bench manualidades. The Techniques of Modern Structural Geology: Applications of Continuum Mechanics in Structural Geology. Elsevier Academic Press, Inc., California. And Hart, R.B. Plate Tectonics: How It Works.
Blacwell Scienific Publications, Inc., California. Trouw, R.A.J. And Passchier, C.W.
Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany. Moon, C.J., Whateley, M.K.G. And Evans A.M., 2006.
Introduction to Mineral Exploration. Blacwell Publishing, USA. Reichard, J.S. Environmental Geology, McGraw-Hill, New York. Montgomery, C.W. Environmental Geology, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
DLL.Universitas Bangka Belitung Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan2Pokok Bahasan:I Pendahuluan (P.1)II Tektonika & Orogenesa (P.2-3)a. Tektonik lempengb.
OrogenesaIII Gaya, Tegangan, Strain & Deformasi (P.4-5)a. Gaya & Teganganb. Strain & Deformasi IV Struktur Geologi (P.6-9)a. Unsur strukturb. Sesar/PatahanV Identifikasi Struk.
Geologi (P.10-11)a. Pengukuran dan analisis struktur geologib. Analisis geofisika struktur geologiVI Aplikasi Struk. Geologi (P.12-13)a. Mineralisasi b.
Kebencanaan geologiVII Geologi Struk. Indonesia (P.14)a. Sumatra&Jawa c. Bangka BelitungUniversitas Bangka Belitung Jurusan Teknik PertambanganHydrothermalHydrothermal ore deposits form in various ways. (A) Ore deposition in veins around a magma chamber.
Less-concentrated ore is disseminated through the rock as fluids seep outward from magma. (B) Sulfides can also be deposited by hydrothermal circulation around a spreading ridge. Photographs (C and D) by W. Normark, USGS Photo Library, Denver, CO. Montgomery (2008)Universitas Bangka Belitung Jurusan Teknik PertambanganI Mineralisasi3Hydrothermal DepositsNaturally, the intense heat from the magma body raises the temperature of any groundwater that is present in the country rocks. The combination of these waters results in hot, mineral-rich fluids that transport ions and chemically react with rocks in a zone around an igneous intrusion. Minerals that crystallize from these highly enriched fluids form what are referred to as hydrothermal deposits.Vein and disseminated ore deposits result from hot, mineral-rich fluids that chemically react with minerals in an igneous intrusion and surrounding rocks, and then transfer elements within a zone around theigneous intrusion.
The photo shows a vein deposit containing valuable tungsten and tin minerals in aPortuguese mine.Reichard (2011)Universitas Bangka Belitung Jurusan Teknik PertambanganMassive sulfide deposits (A) form when hydrothermal fluids discharge from mid-oceanic ridges and then mix with cool seawater. Here metallic ions bond withsulfur, forming sulfide minerals that eventually accumulate on the seafloor. Note how heat convection pulls cold seawater into the ridge, where it reacts chemically with basalt to form hydrothermal fluids. Photo (B) shows sulfide minerals precipitating as hydrothermal fluids escape from vents on the seafloor. Reichard (2011)Universitas Bangka Belitung Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan4The hot, mineral-laden water streams out into the ocean at blacksmoker chimneys (C). (D) Hydrothermal sulfides permeate this basaltic rock. The most visible are pyrite (brassy gold crystals).Photographs (C and D) by W.